listener fatigue? go analogue.

I own B&W CDM 1NT speakers and often I want to sell them.
The first impression was good but after 20 minutes listening to them I didn't enjoy my music, I bought a phono-amp and started listen to some LP's, away was the hard sound,
now they sound smooth and warm and I can listen hours to
them. I own this speakers for three years, now I enjoy them. I don't say CD is bad but analogue is better, it's not as clinical or cold.
I will not sell my speakers.
The OP is stating fact...analog is the best and Least fatiguing medium. Digital will never sound like this....never. yes, I own cd's, however the LP is still king in this house.
I will not sell my speakers.

Well Ok phono is a  bit superior to digital.
I agree.
But on speakers,
,Once you hear a  high quality FR with some sort of bass modual added,  Take 1 channel, hook up your B&W other a  high quality FR.
Flip the balance knob back and forth.
 Then let  us know your decision.'
My speakers are golden!

  Any cd, LP, is warm and amazing. Zero fatigue what so ever!

   Well, maybe those darn Scorpions remasters from years back. Those were piercing and made me grind my teeth.

  The speakers I use now, do tame them a bit, but I prefer my old Cd issues.

  Worst for me is sizzling treble, can’t stand it at any volume.         My speakers are a gift from the Speaker Gods. Hope they last me a lifetime!