Not if you must own the worlds most expensive fuse. Impress your friends! Nobody, no skeptic can deny THAT! They probably have purses and screwdrivers that people think cost too much.
But is it really the most expensive? There might be one more expensive very soon. In which case you failed. Now that fuse is maybe just maybe ok as a spare. That’s just how the cookie crumbles. It happens all the time.
  • "By even starting a stupid post like this, make those that have even paid as much as $150!!! for a 10c fuse look just as gullible and been shafted big time also." 

Tell an engineer that he's wrong and he will hound you for the rest of your life in an attempt to convince you that he's right. It's the nature of the beast. They just cannot take criticism. 


"By even starting a stupid post like this, make those that have even paid as much as $150!!! for a 10c fuse look just as gullible and been shafted big time also."

But isn't that the same clever psychological tactic that those traveling shill salesmen have been using for centuries? 

"Here we have this genuine silver plated cutlery set that would normally retail at Harrods for £2000 a set. How much am I asking? 

A grand (£1000)? nah, do me a favour! Not even a monkey (£500), nope for this one time only this royal set, the same as her majesty uses I'm told, can be yours for a only a ton (£100). I'm practically giving them away. Quick take them off my hands before I'm arrested for robbing myself!" etc etc

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum until the customer begins to believe that paying anything more than a few pence for a mere fuse MUST be good value for money.
A good example of why physiatrists consider audiophilia an obsessive compulsive neurosis...

This is what is wrong with our hobby: Con men are taking advantage of our irrational behavior.

"Voodoo dose work if you believe in it. But science works whether you believe in it or not."