Sony SCD-1 vs Musical Fidelity Tri Vista

Can anyone compare these two players? I already own the Tri Vista and am very happy with it but, I keep wondering if the Sony offers something more. I do listen to SACD quite a bit.

I have owned both and here are my impression. The Sony SCD-1 has a much quieter background and has a more clinical and sterile sound. It does nothing wrong, mind you, just in comparison to the Trivista the sony sounds a bit digital sounding and mechanical. The Trivista has an engaging midrange bloom that lets you feel the emotion of the performers. The Sony seems to skew more to the techincal aspects of the music. The sony by no means is not a slouch but I would take the Trivista any day over the Sony SCD-1. Like i said that is my opinion
I directly compared both players in my system three years ago. My experience matches up quite well with Chuck's - compared to the TriVista, the SCD-1 was somewhat clinical. I also noted a slight touch of steeliness on strings with the SCD-1 compared to the TriVista (which would not have been noticeable without a back-to-back comparison), and a bit more sibilance in vocals with the SCD-1.
Thanks Chuck and Rex. When I was comparing players I never had a chance to listen to the Sony. I just wanted to make sure I was not missing out on something. Your descrition of the Sony sound confirms that I made the right choice. I appreciate your responses.