Power Conditioner vs A/C cables

Here's my question...Is it necessary to buy expensive power cables downstream of a high-end power conditioner?
What do they do that hasn't already been done?  As long as you don't go so cheap you degrade the signal.
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Power management is very site dependent. Depending on the power grid you are on, what your house is like... lots of noisy things in your house.
I wouldn’t look at it as if a power cord is going to make things worst... I would look at it as how much improvement will it give you.
A good plan is to borrow power cords on line or from dealer and experiment. If a power conditioner makes a big difference power cords all around are likely to have a big effect.
We have all buried power lines in our neighborhood, so the power is pretty good. Power management still makes a difference. All that said, no question listening is best Sunday nights at midnight... showing me, I need to pay more attention to power... Damn... this post is going to cost me.

This is actually why I read and post in the forums. Writing about what I have learned frequently has me put together some observations I had not previously assembled to form a conclusion. In this case I am sure it is going to cost me at least $10K. But I am also sure it will be worth it.

I've had systems that as I added AFTER a good conditioner and master coupler, the system got noisier. AGAIN a buddy and his BIG ol Power cables weren't shielded properly and just screwed the whole system up..

I swap the PCs out for the right kind of cable, everything else became kind of secondary.. I was 45 years old then, I'm 66 now..

Another thing I've noticed in other's systems they use a PC that are WAY to big for the application..  Bigger is actually worse in some applications..

I've notice where it's being used makes a difference AND the quality of the power supply in the piece of gear.

Crap power supplies benefit more from a BETTER construction (filtering) than (for example) a Mac..

DAC, routers, Laptops (not so much),

Phono Stage, Pre Amp, Streamer/Server, Power Amps BIG TIME..

Reel to Reel is still in ? stage for me, cabling is a mystery vs quality..

I just spent two great day in the Barrios listing to street music.. No I ain't sayin where...BUT it wasn't in the US WOW... I never ate so much good food and seen so many masked beauties.. Fantasyland!!!

I never saw anything BUT heavy copper. Serious tight a$$ jammin' going on.. Electrical tape everywhere, chain hook the cable drop it on the gravel.. Good music.. mercy..

I decided I need power conditioner with filtering and strong overvoltage protection anyway.  I bought Furman Elite 20PFi and placed it on the shelf below DAC and amp.  I concluded, that if power cables have effect on sound, it will be proportional to the length of the cable.  I built very short (1.5ft) shielded cables using Belden 83803 and Wattgate connectors.  
I believe that good power filters are very useful. Both to filter your AC, and to block digital noise from the digital/switching power supply components (computers, TVs, other). This means a mains filter AND a 2nd one, can be fairly simple, just for the digial /switching stuff.
Power cords i have tested many times and fail to find an value, unless you are replacing something deficient- which is not all that uncommon, but easily avoidable for $20