the Lumin X1 and the new Linn Klimax DSM DAC both take a Fibre Optic cable as a streaming input.
New Linn Klimax DSM With Organik DAC - Bits and Bytes - Audiophile Style
Anybody on this thread have a listen to the new Gustard X26 Pro DAC. I own one and think it is great DAC using a Sonore OpticalRendu for streaming. I am not looking to change it but was curious as to how it compares to more expensive DACs.
New Linn Klimax DSM With Organik DAC - Bits and Bytes - Audiophile Style
Anybody on this thread have a listen to the new Gustard X26 Pro DAC. I own one and think it is great DAC using a Sonore OpticalRendu for streaming. I am not looking to change it but was curious as to how it compares to more expensive DACs.