How does Vandersteen 2CE Sig II compare to Treo?

Seems like they use the same driver and the specs are similar.
Based I what could see on their website T&P coherency does not appear to be part of the design principle the way it is for speakers like VS, Thiel, and the old Meadowlark brand. These have a particular sound that comes from those 1st order crossovers and time aligment that may be what appeals to folks that like these speakers. Heard very good thing about the Devores, but it appears to take a different approach.
Not sure about the TREO but, I have the 2 CE Sig II that are being driven by my McIntosh MC601 monoblock (600 watts) and it just blows away on some of the speakers that cost four, five times the cost. The sound staging, transparency, and the clarity when position is right is just sounds like live music.
Johnny, I really did not notice any difference between the 8 ohms and the 4 ohms tap, maybe because of the McIntosh amp autoformer, doesn't matter which tap you use it will always put out the same wattage. The best thing I can do is to just to match the impedance of my speaker which is 7 ohm so, I'll just leave it at 8 ohms tap. Does this make sense?