Mojo Audio Mystique EVO

Mojo Audio updated their website yesterday with details on the next generation of the Mojo Mystique DAC, the Mystique EVO.

Unlike the V3, the EVO has upgrade options for component, isolation and shielding upgrades - at purchase or to be upgraded later.   The website states there are plans to release new boards for ethernet/roon, and other dac chips like the PCM63.

I pre-ordered an EVO in late February with a few upgrades.  I'm expected to receive it in 1-2 weeks, and I'll post my impressions after some time with it.  I currently have the Mystique V3 and I find it fantastic.  Really looking forward to hearing Ben's next iteration.

I've had an Audionote 3.1, (which I loved) a Mystique V2, Mystique V3, and now the EVO for almost a year.  Each Dac has been very enjoyable but the EVO is wonderful!  I've read some posts here that it's not a night and day difference in the V3; I respectfully disagree.  What I hear with the EVO is a multitude of improvements each can be small individually but collectively they bring realism, refinement, and musicality which is truly joyful.  Listen to an EVO for a few months and then listen to your mystique V3 again and you will know what I'm talking about.  The V3, which is a great DAC, sounds lifeless only compared to the EVO's ability to produce sound true that's natural to the instrument, with real space.  That's when you know how good the EVO is.  I went for the analog choke upgrade LL AM's it lets you hear just more of the good stuff! You hear more wood in a double bass, the background gets even more black and empty.  As you can tell, I'm a fan!  Enjoy
Does anyone know if the Evo sounds better through AES or USB? Which input is engineered better on it?
Benjamin would be best person to answer your question, depending on your specific EVO.  When I spoke with him about my EVO B4B unit, he replied that in his opinion, USB was pretty much as good as it gets or, at least as good as the other options.  That made my decision easy, even though I am not in general a huge USB fan.
@mitch2 Thanks, does yours have the Lundahl amorphous core for the Spidif inputs?
@divertiti - I had to go back to some email to try and figure it out and the answer is, I believe so based on what I could find from Benjamin...
Lundahl amorphous core, Vishay Nude, Furutech S/PDIF signal path upgrade, 
On the other end, in my Deja Vu EVO Server, he gave me the really good JCAT XE OCXO USB Card so I really don't have a good reason to try anything but USB.  Someday, I might do some listening comparisons but pretty happy with the sound through USB for now.