Anyone else upset about new Audiogon policies?

I've been a member since 2002, that's almost twenty years. Back then you had many free re-lists. Recently this changed to one free re-list. Now I find out that there is no more free re-list. Never did I receive any information from Audiogon about the new re-list policy. I only found out when I went to re-list something that I had paid $28 for that didn't sell in 30 days. Lets see, that's $1 per day for a listing. Anyone else upset abut this?
Taking one’s business elsewhere is obviously always an appropriate thing to do when needed. Nothing new there.
I’ve sold a few things here over the years. Nothing went unsold. If it does not sell in the first few days I lower the price. Then continue to do that as needed.
Free relistings would seem to favor the seller. I’m not opposed to something that perhaps might temper things a bit and favor the buyer. I do both.
Anyone upset about policies I invite you to my next yard sale. I practically give things away because the yard sale is to get rid of things you don’t want anymore. You would love it. I even give freebies to kids if something catches their eye or some nice person appears to value it but can’t afford the asking price of a few bucks.  $1 and 50 cent specials abound. 
You go to where you can get fair value to both the buyer and the seller. That is why everything I sell also prompts offers to be made. Setting price is not an exact science. I know that when I sell, things start on the low end of sales available sales prices. Hopefully so things will sell quickly. This is a niche market and things don't always sell quickly even at good prices. All of my stuff has sold and I didn't have to pay hundreds for the privilege. Plus, all of the buyers have been happy with the price and quality. Win, win. 
I have had plenty of yard sales, and do things the same way. This is not a yard sale. 
mapman, we are of the same mind when it comes to AG selling/buying policies. I've always bought here, I've never sold here.. All of my buddies were in the middle of "Last Time" upgrades. End of the road (sure it is), retirement purchases.

Everyone decided with the onset of the Covid debacle AG would be the LAST not the FIRST place, to place adds..

Something to think about, increasing cost, no, no, no, increasing SALES... my oh my what a concept.. Charge MORE to sell LESS. Sounds like someones business is in trouble... Sure isn't mine..

The exposure on AG for selling is no different than anywhere else. If you notice though, there are 5-6 pages of stuff selling, not 12-15 like it use to be.. Their GREEDY policies have HURT their business, the pricing reflect that too, plane and simple.  Again not my business, mine has never changed... Take it or leave it.. I don't sell stuff, Stuff sells itself..

It's nice to be the king... A kingdom of TWO, all the loyal subject, chicken, rabbits, goats, dogs. OLAY!!

Hat on the floor as I walk around the hat to the beat of the music, (the national anthem is the U.S. Mexican Hat Dance) and my faithful K-9 follows me... THEN I STOP... and slowly back around the hat.
Pay attention DOG back up!!! :-)

PAY attention AudioGoN, BACKUP! We back up to START UP and recover.. Hope those pocket are DEEP...and flush,,,

I agree A’gon is not what it used to be and I’m sure there are multiple factors in play that help account for that.

Maybe its time for a total reboot! Nothing lasts forever.   Not even NOS.   Out with the old in with the new! Get with the times! I’m all for that.