True or False?

Many high-end manufactures deny the benefits of tweaking their components with upgraded power cables, fuses, etc. We all can agree that even the best speakers respond to room placement but is it true or not true in (your experiences) that the better your audio components are, the less they respond to various tweaks? 
In my experience different pieces of gear react to different thing.. I found the better the power supply, no mater what they are suppling react LESS to high dollar power cables. If there is a huge gain in performance because of a PC change, I'd look more at the power supply other than the cable.  I wholeheartedly believe that because I've proved to myself..

An old Mcintosh MC275 doesn't know a piece of lamp cable from a Krell PC.  WHY? Look at the power supply..

Their BRAND new stuff ALL has room for either Mac or aftermarket PC.
WHY... thing are a changing even MAC has much better cabling NOW.. Sure took long enough..

I could see a Mac fuse.. I wonder what they would price one at.. Macs aftermarket cabling is pretty reasonable. 

But even I have to look at what we're getting when we buy a Mac NOW.. I'm looking for my LAST preamp/power supply C100/1000/2000 series..

I think ALL tweaks, and even cables are a back burner issue. 
Plug it all in, clean up the mess and Prepare the room FIRST.

Speaker placement in a treated room goes a long ways to ELIMINATE future tweaks (which are patches in disguise). A real tweak is something like a real good contact enhancer... It works no matter who you are or what it's used on. 5 people will hear a difference in 5 different systems..

BUT someone that's using cabling to modify the way something sounds... NO!  I want it to reveal what's there, not HIDE, CHANGE, or exaggerate it..  REVEAL, UNMASK, SHOW ME, the beef!!!!


Instead of asking inane questions on a forum to arrive at a solution you should read inane articles on an inane webzine. 
FALSE, the cost doesn't matter. Tweaks are useless in an inexpensive, moderate or expensive system. 
I was real big into cycling before my accident brought me to a Audio. Cycling is the same way . A guy spends thousands of dollars to save 100 g of weight on a bike. Does it make them any faster? You could do the math and say yes. Is it in his head?mostly. I think the same rules apply to audio. Did the new cables look better? Yes. do they sound better or is it in the guys head? It’s mostly in the guys head. It’s probably the same way with guys who work on cars, motorcycles and any other hobby you can think of. If it’s a hobby and people love it they will find a way to accessorize it. That’s what keeps some of these marginal products in business.
The first thing to understand is that different is not always better and often time is required to really determine the worth of a change. Another important point is that "always" or "never" coming out of an enthusiast's mouth pretty much excludes their responses from serious consideration. See djones above. If people comment on products that they havent heard immediately dismiss their posts.