Russian Tube Preamp, No Return, Here I go again

I decided to risk it, Russian, no return. (he accepted my $400. offer, so $500. delivered).

Gives me tubes in my office system.

I just read something:

People don’t want advice, just confirmation

I’m not looking for either (this time), just thought some of you would find it funny and wish me luck.

I’m 72, it may arrive before my 75th birthday

your post with this video is the bottom of page 1, so funny, as I often think it is the last post and click the video of Robert Plant the Russian Cave Dweller

When I ship to USA from St.Petersburg (Russia) it’s 10-14 days, you had a bad luck with your Russian seller. 
I think that you stole that from me. I've been saying that he looks like Robert Plant for a while now.