Room corrections are not tweaks in my view. That is room correction. Not a tweak to me.
Vibrations controls is possible at low cost, it is not a "tweak", it is an embedding control, not a secondary addition, a fundamental necessity...
Decreasing the electrical noise floor is possible at low cost also... It is not a "tweak" it is a fundamental necessity...
Room passive material treatment and ACTIVE mechanical control is not a "tweak" but a prime absolute necessity to hear our system at his optimal working peak...
"Tweaks" are most of the times pejorative qualification for the "supertitious" people who believe that their costly system can work optimally without any "embeddings controls" like in the publicity they read before buying them ... They bought it, plug it and boast about it ....
And before buying costly "tweaks" try to replicate them yourself at no cost.... Often it is possible...It is way more rewarding than buying....And more fun....