Class D amps that are superior to all or most?

Recently, I have heard about some Class D amps that may be close to the best there is regardless of class. Certainly, this technology has been in development for decades. The main issue has always been the switching power supply. In this regard, I have taken notice of AGD. They have created a whole new power supply that “switches” at a frequency 100 times the normal silicon based MOSFET. The designer uses a gallium nitride based PS. Interesting, it is enclosed in the KT88 glass envelope that sits on top of his amps. I am aware of two more pricey amps that seem to be also at the top- the Solution and the Merrill. There must be others that compete for the title. After my thread, “Is there a SS amp that can satisfy a SET guy?”, I am still on the quest.
Don’t want to spend $50K!
ej sarmento at wyred 4 sound was an early mover in employing ice modules in his st series amp, with his nice discrete input stage driving the modules... his amps are as described below... laid back (even a little too smooth) with excellent bass

except for the devialet units whose sound i love (lively, saturated, plenty of body yet transparent), the failing of the others i have heard is on proper decay of notes and ’air’ in sound staging

there is something to the notion that many class d stages are a little too clean ... once again, sympathetic distortions can help our ears hear sounds we perceive as more natural, and in the proper space of a performance venue
there is something to the notion that many class d stages are a little too clean
If that is the case then the designer didn't pay attention to the distortion signature. It can be quite low in a class D amp, but if the higher orders are not masked by the lower ordered harmonics it won't sound right.
In the under 10K category, clearly the current winners are the AGD Audion monoblocks.

What's coming this year in GaN engineering?  Looking forward to the eventual release of the LSA Voyager (aka "Godot") amp, and to atmasphere's class D circlotron monoblocks.

The other GaN amps currently out that nobody's mentioned are the Orchard Starkrimsons.