Would you buy a piece of gear with a defect?

I'm auditioning a Parasound JC2 pre amp that the left input on channel 1 does not work. Would you buy it as is? How much should this reduce the price of the unit? Everything else seems fine. I'm wondering if folks will buy defective gear? The asking price is $1500 as is. Opinions?

Thanks in advance.
Today I sold some Thiel COAX drivers and 1 of the drivers has a tweeter issue. Buyer is aware and can fix it. I am selling the drivers for 1/3 the price new.

@czbbcl I still have my SCD-1 going strong, love this player There is a poster, @TomThiel that is looking to fix his SCD-1 you may want to ask him if he is looking for parts.
A new JC2 BP is like 4500. If you were patient, a used one could come up at some point for 2500-3000.

1500 for a broken unit is a little high for me. You have no idea what is wrong. It could be something cheap or extremely expensive.

But if Ben has a  local tech geek who is fair, honest, as we do here in the New Orleans area, Richard Gray who will give us best advice,, then he should ask his tech geek, If no tech geek avaliable, then Ben is on his own, Issue might bea  simply fix, maybe worse. 
I'd  tell Ben to buy it and ship it to RGray to ck it out. 
This is what I would advise. 
You say used @ $3k, here it is at $1500 = bargin. 
My Sunfire 600 signature was a B stock unit.  Unused for a substantial price.
had some loose screws on the transformer.
 Sent to two places, first sent to Bill Flannery’s for look see,..replaced some caps, new front meter light, said “is this unit new?” Yes it is, he said there were no signs of use at all.
  Then to sounds classic in Rockford, ILL 
replaced all screws, tightened perfect!
added a thick rubber mat to the top, between the cover and top of transformer. Been flawless since. A great amplifier!
I would be skeptical because of miss hooked up equipment but you might take a chance but i would go for a fully functional working unit for sure because the input stage may be fried on that side.