Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?
@petg60 “Nature itself is stronger than science, though with the later we try to comprehend the former. Most likely one of the reasons we create art is the necessity to complement science.”

I would put it a little differently. Nature is very complex and science is the tool to unravel it layer by layer. We work from the big close problems... Apple falls, Earth is round, coefficient of friction... layer by layer to more complex and detailed problems.. We are limited by time. The first stage of investigation of a new layer is observation and characterization with none mathematical prediction (try a bunch of different capacitors, see how each sounds). Draw broad generalizations... then test new stuff for conformance. It is this part we are doing to be successful with this pursuit.. It is just an earlier stage of science... like Darwin sailing around the world making observations and drawing preliminary conclusions. I think that is what I enjoy about it. I have learned enough to be able to navigate and buy the right components to get the sound I want with my own models mapped to my tastes.

@pauly “Why some "engineers" (roll eyes) on this forum think they know everything about human hearing and the measurement of sound and electricity is beyond me.”

Yes, I know. I have worked most of my career very closely with dozens and dozens electrical engineers from all over the country in high tech companies... amusingly that make components for high end audio...Burr-Brown Corp and Texas Instruments. I will say as a group they are pretty argumentative and egotistical (think they know it all)... also curious and very intelligent. But they have all read Jules Vernes’ Mysterious Island a couple times too many. Not all are closed minded to realizing they may not know it all... but as a group they are pretty ridged. These are the rolling eyes guys. They really have a hard time admitting they don’t know it all.


I have an old colleague that I worked with for 20 years that had written me suspiciously when I said I had an all tube system. He is coming down later this year... I will have him listen to my system and it will quickly convince him of my point of view... he is very open minded for an electrical engineer. 
Measurements are steady state tones in laboratory conditions and music is ever changing and ever evolving so measurements are for the equipment to meet certain criteria but the true test is to play dynamic music to really discover the true gems of the industry and they won't be the ones everyone talks about.
Because the answers beget more questions, and the subject is infinite.

...silly boy....;)
Properly derived science contains only provable conclusions that are bedrock.
All the rest is conjecture - interesting but not the basis for anything solid.

The problem is bad science.  This is in the ascendency.  One reads the most obviously idiotic nonsense every day, often obtained by extrapolation.  Extrapolation is always bad science.

The one I like best was around 15 years ago.  'All the snow and ice on the Himalayas will be gone in 30 years.  Palpable stupidity at the time; we're about halfway there and there's plenty left.  I said at the time that if the entire Chinese nation went up there with blowlamps working 24/7 it wouldn't happen.