ridiculous, it never ceases to amaze how stupid certain 'audiofools' really are !
They are on sale today! Big discount!  Below cost?   $28.50 is still an expensive fuse. Do the research.
@jimmydd - Years ago, I contacted Ayre with a similar question about whether they recommend using aftermarket "audiophile" fuses.  I was referred to somebody in the service area who told me they were evaluating how to handle situations where an aftermarket fuse might contribute to an equipment failure and whether to cover such issues under warranty.  He indicated they probably would cover those situations (which is consistent with their reputation for great customer service).  During that conversation, he never endorsed the use of aftermarket fuses as a way to improve the sound of their equipment and my recollection is that he didn't believe they did much, if anything.  On the other side of the coin, I do know one amplifier designer who believes there are differences and improvements resulting from certain fuses and does endorse the use of aftermarket fuses in the equipment he designs.

BTW, for you folks who did not read the OP's whole link, you need to scroll down and you will find the: 
Quantum Science Audio Ultra High-End Fuse ($2,844 ea)
these produce a more efficient flow of electrons which allows for greater conductivity. Also, according to Tsang, "the QSA technology removes Bottle-neck Distortions (BND), while independent studies have shown that our fuse technology improves the performance 70 to 80%, while the aftermarket AC power cord is only 20 to 30%

Let's look at the facts.

  • Electrons don't "flow". 
  • He made up BND.  
  • I bet if asked he can't produce any "independent studies" and even if he could it is impossible to measure  a % of improvement.

if everything he claims is BS you figure it out