One of the biggest upgrades for a fuse, is to run a resistor in parallel to it.
This is not for power fuses mind you, but for internal rail fuses. One cannot legally, for good reason, put a resistor in parallel with a primary power fuse.
You can open up a lot of SS amps from the late 70’s to late 90’s and see a resistor in parallel with the rail fuses.
In this image, at the bottom, will see a pair of resistors between the fuses. (Rotel RA-870BX integrated amplifier)
This trick to lessening fuse sound reproduction interference qualities/issues is well known and used often, by audio circuit designers. it’s right there, in many many hundreds of circuits. The designers are well aware of how bad fuses sound.
Nay sayers will really have to get their s** together to ignore this one.
Please, build up an even more fantastical excuse and expose yourself. thanks....
I’m not saying in any way that I agree to a multi kilobuck fuse, though. I’m showing the counter to that.