Cheap fuses definitely degrade sound quality. It defies comprehension how anyone can think otherwise. I mean seriously, if one inch of hair thin cheap wire does not degrade sound quality then why waste money on good wire anywhere? Just run that fuse wire to your speakers. Run the fuse wire for interconnects. Heck run the fuse wire for your AC power! Like I said, defies comprehension. Yet people do believe this BS.
Is one inch of wire worth $3k? Well, if it makes your system sound better than anything else you can possibly do with $3k then logically you would have to say, "Yes!" The "yes" is weak if it is likely to burn out so you have to keep buying it over and over again. The "yes" is stronger if they will replace it. That simple.
Is one inch of wire worth $3k? Well, if it makes your system sound better than anything else you can possibly do with $3k then logically you would have to say, "Yes!" The "yes" is weak if it is likely to burn out so you have to keep buying it over and over again. The "yes" is stronger if they will replace it. That simple.