Suggestions for rock music

I listen to mostly rock based music (no classical, no jazz) at moderate levels in a mid size room and am curious on speaker suggestions. I did a ton of upgrades this past year to every piece of my system except my speakers. I think the SongTowers are absolutely amazing for $2k, but I am wondering if I have surpassed them now with my electronics?

K&K Audio Maxxed-Out
VPI Classic w/SoundSmith Zephyr
Salk SongTowers

I read a lot of posts about all these higher dollar speakers you guys are running but I never know what type of music you are listening to. I spoke with Jim at Salk and for my tastes he recommends the next step as the HT2-TL's at $4500 (the smaller HT1-TL's not a good match). I am sure the HT2-TL's are incredible, but the only thing putting me off is the size of them. Any suggestions on something smaller in stature that will give me that realism, imaging, and sound stage?
Not familiar with your BAT but if it matches I might suggest looking at a used vandersteen quatro (or 5A if you can stretch) or new von schweikert 4JR in your price range. If you really like the salk's then going up the line probably would be a safer bet for you if the size can be dealt with.
I would suggest that you consider Dynaudio Contour S3.4 or 5.4, Psb, Polk, Klipsch RBH line, Paradigm, Monitor Audio, Energy, Infinity. That should get you started looking and searching to see what you like and check prices that are in your range.
If your room is mid-sized and you don't listen to rock music "loud", then really your options are wide open. If you like your Songtowers then, well first of all not a big surprise, second of all, might as well stick with the manufacturer since he listens for the same things that you do.

The challenges come in when you make your room bigger and the volume knob goes up. Otherwise, it's very much an "according to taste" thing and you seem to have solved that problem. Congrats, enjoy your sound. :)
the von schweikert 4JR are too deep, even deeper than the HT2-TL's. I have an open entryway to contend with.

as far as Dynaudio, Psb, Polk, Klipsch RBH line, Paradigm, Monitor Audio, Energy, Infinity - I'm not going to buy any of the bigger name brands. I like having direct email access to owners/designers.