I've never had a crossover I've designed fail on my sorry. When designing myself, I find the best parts I can find (within my price/budget range). Since it would be a one off project, I'm not worried about availability later.
I was more speaking about manufacturers that have to make certain about the parts availability and the quality of the parts manufacturer. For example some Classe amps were designed with FETs that a few years later are no longer made. you can't find the FETs to repair the amps. So,unless you find a repair shop that stocked up on the parts before they became unobtainable, then you are screwed.
So, an equipment manufacturer can't be blind to where they are getting their parts from and whom they are getting their parts from. There may be better caps and resistors out there, but if there is a serious possibility that in the near future that parts supplier may not be there, then I'm looking elsewhere.
Also, as you can see on this web site. Some people love to tweak and adjust. They can't sit still if you paid them to. I can't see myself saying, wow! my system sounds great. I wonder what the change would be if I changed this or that. Added padding, footers, fuses, etc.
I only ask myself this question if I feel something is wrong or missing. Then you take the long and sometimes expensive journey into trying to find out what is wrong (component or room) and what it takes to fix it.
Don't get me started on room correction. What a nightmare. Get a test CD (Stereophile for example), and a sound measuring device. Run the test in your room at listening position. Look at the frequency response. Gaps, holes, peaks? now what is causing it and what does it take to fix it?
not fun.