Suggestions for rock music

I listen to mostly rock based music (no classical, no jazz) at moderate levels in a mid size room and am curious on speaker suggestions. I did a ton of upgrades this past year to every piece of my system except my speakers. I think the SongTowers are absolutely amazing for $2k, but I am wondering if I have surpassed them now with my electronics?

K&K Audio Maxxed-Out
VPI Classic w/SoundSmith Zephyr
Salk SongTowers

I read a lot of posts about all these higher dollar speakers you guys are running but I never know what type of music you are listening to. I spoke with Jim at Salk and for my tastes he recommends the next step as the HT2-TL's at $4500 (the smaller HT1-TL's not a good match). I am sure the HT2-TL's are incredible, but the only thing putting me off is the size of them. Any suggestions on something smaller in stature that will give me that realism, imaging, and sound stage?
I see Vortex's point about being able to have access to the designers. I have had a great experience with this and have greatly benefited from being able to ask questions of and get answers from the people that are putting themselves into their products. Nobody has as much knowledge and experience as these guys (not even the dealers). Just in the past two weeks I was able to get phenomenally valuable info from both my speaker and amp designers. They always seem to be pretty happy to spend time helping their customers.
I have also had good response from PSB, Oracle and Sota. My point was that Vortex was eliminating PSB because he wanted more contact with the owner/designer. While I didnt talk to Paul at PSB, their service people have always been very knowledgeable about the product and are good people. That might be better than dealing with a prima donna owner/designer who thinks everyone elses stuff is garbage.
Manitunc, don't be weird. I'm not looking to carry on chatting with these people, but if I have a question pre/post purchase I want to 1. get a response and 2. get a response from someone who knows what they are talking about. I passed up on buying from Sota due to their inability to answer even the simplest of questions over email. I own a piece of gear from one of the larger "non-best buy" brands and would never buy from them again due to them having an email black hole. Salk, K&K, and VPI have incredible customer service, far above and beyond what's expected. I like that. and no, BAT is not the one I am saying who has bad customer service. I just bought that piece and have never tried to contact them. from what I hear though they are on the level of the other three I mentioned.