So Hard to Decide on an Amp


So lately I have been thinking about getting an Amp and using my existing Vincent SV-500 Hybrid Integrated as a Pre-Amp.

I have inquired about some amps in other threads but it just seems so hard to decide as to what will have good Synergy with my system.

Wish I could try out all the Amps that I am thinking about but that would be quite difficult.

The one that is at the top of my list (mind you I haven't personally heard any of these, just going on reviews) is the Pass Labs XA25.

But am also considering the Parasound A21+ and A23+, Benchmark AHB2 and Mystere PA21.

All of have received good reviews and comments from folks.

I suppose the Parasound, especially the A21+ would provide the best Base Response but the others would also be quite worthy.

Tomorrow, I have a Technics SL-G700 SACD Player arriving and so I will be playing with that for a little bit to see if I like it (I am pretty confident I will). My current Denon DVD Bluray Player which I was using has been acting up and I decided it was time for an upgrade.

But soon after, I think I want to try an amp. Not that I really need it, the Vincent satisfies but I am just curious to what an Amp can bring to the table in my system.


@helomech and @yyzsantabarbara 

Thanks for your feedback.

I just recently came across the Benchmark Amp and have seen only positive reviews and comments.

Small on stature but big on sound is the impression that I am getting from it.
One word. MCINTOSH. I've hady MA 6100 in continuous operation since 1977, and it's never been serviced. It handles high resolution music with ease. I've been offered double what I paid for it, but I'll never sell it. 
Pass Labs makes extraordinary amps, no doubt. That said, in order to benefit from the full spectrum of Pass Labs power and ingenuity, you really need to have the purchasing power to stick with their higher end gear. I'm not too familiar with your speakers, but what I can tell you is that adding subwoofers can dramatically spacial presentation and timing. I agree that you would serve yourself to do a scorched earth search through research and if possible, auditioning. FYI I purchased a pair of new Focal 1008 BE's for half price ($3k) and a Hegel H90 ($2k). I did not audition them. I just "knew" from my extensive study and auditioning other brands, everything from Dynaudio Special to Devore Gibbons and Line Magnetic to Naim that this pairing would work well. Indeed, the warmth of the Hegel balances the astonishing highs of the Beryllium tweeter while the Sound Engine 2 drives the bass to jaw dropping levels for a "bookshelf" speaker.  At the end of the day, have fun, and just a friendly reminder,  it's okay to go a little nuts with this "hobby". ✌🏽🎼
I recently demoed the Pass Labs X250.8 stereo amp from a small local Pass dealer here in Southern CA:  Katli Audio in Chino Hills.

My wife and I loved it and are now setting up a trial period with the X600.8 monos. Fred from Katli is knowledgeable and a straight shooter. He does not have a wide spectrum of Pass gear, being a smaller outfit, but he has a Class A and Class AB stereo and monos to give you an idea if you wish to proceed up the Pass Labs food chain.

There is also Reno HiFi that sells exclusively Pass Labs that also allows in-home demos, but you have to also outright pay for the equipment and you also have 30 days to return it. Reno HiFi is not taking anymore new customers until Thanksgiving, however.