Looking for a cd player that plays nice with classical orchestra.

Looking for a new cd player that loves classical- not analytical-leans towards "euphonic"[ whoops! did I say a bad word?] Vanalstine tube preamp,Vanalstine solid state[225++ per side} amp, Maggie 1.7i s. No streaming, no bluetooth.Thanks.

Thanks for the info.. Will have 30 days tryout with a Bryston bcd-3 beginning Sunday.

Thank You for the update. I am looking forward in reading more about the Bryston BCD-3.

Happy Listening!
Just got the Technics SL-G700 today.

Beautiful player, mine is in Black.

I am liking what I hear so far. Using regular phono outputs with stock cables.

Will get better cables later but so far, sounds great.

Listening to Enya and it sounds heavenly. 

I also like the fact that I can stream Qobuz directly from the app in full resolution through Google Cast although that functionality is not really highlighted.

I started a thread a few months back asking whether anyone has experience with SL- G700. Your comments would be helpful there
I just went through a similar process and have similar priorities. Most of what I tried were transports into my Lampizator Atlantic. I tried:

Audiolab CDT 6000 - Good for the money for sure. Not in the same league as the others.

Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK2 - Great sounding transport. A little sharp on the highs for classical at times in my system-- ultimately why I got rid of it. But very exciting.

Line Magnetic LM-24 CDP - Meh, did not do anything offensive. Definitely tamed the highs with its tube buffer stage. But ultimately not enough resolution.

Simaudio Moon 260D Transport - This is what I ended up with. 95% of the resolution of the Jay’s transport with a taming of the digital glare/harshness in the top end. Really happy with this transport. They also make a version with a DAC. I have not heard it but I think it would be worth trying.

I tried to get my hands on a used Hegel Mohican to try. But it never came up for sale while I was in the market. I would definitely advocate checking that out if you can. It was on my shortlist. One more option that gets pretty rave reviews, but is quite a bit more expensive, is the Marantz SA-10. They sell for over 7k new.