Best material for an isolation platform?

I have an extra set of IsoAcoustics Gaia 2 isolation feet sitting around...I'm going build a platform for my integrated amp or transport. I have an oak shelf that would fit well 18x20x1.75. I could just as easily use MDF. Does the oak have any sonic drawbacks?
 Any thoughts?
I've been using butcher block acoustics for sometime. They look nice, are well constructed, and do not cost both an arm and a leg.
Most of my equipment (not speakers) sit on Corian bases. Although I have had decent results with bamboo, I prefer Corian to any wood in my system.  
I found oak to be not great under my turntable. Maple is better. I also found granite to be poor. 
Baltic Birch plywood (13-layer 3/4"), mated with a slab of slate, a layer of ASC Wall Damp in between them.
The CLD sounds like it could be very good. I can endorse slate as I use it on a plinth. Aluminum with Panzerholz is also top tier.