Full featured balanced dac/preamp advice

There doesn't seem to be too many units on the market that feature a balanced dac/preamp, AES digital input, analog RCA input, balanced outputs and remote control. The Bel Canto 2.7 dac checks all of those boxes. All opinions on that unit would be very welcome. I'm leaning towards buying one at this point. However I don't want to rush this purchase without exploring all of my options. Benchmark made one until recently but it appears to have been discontinued. Guess there is a chance I could find a pre-owned one. I think Mytek has one but I have heard Bel Canto is superior. All opinions greatly appreciated
I have the BC 2.7 but currently want the Bicasti M3h which checks the same boxes.
Trump we are a bricasti dealer the m3 is amazing the volume is an issue the vol only does individual steps doesn’t ramp
Thanks for all the responses. I should have mentioned that the $2,500 price that the Bel Canto goes for is probably at the upper range of what I can spend. Unfortunately that rules out the fine suggestions except the Matrix. I could be wrong but I don't think the Matrix has the AES input. One other contender is the Newprime DAC-9. Seems like a lot of bang for the buck for around $800 but obviously not in the league as some of these others discussed
trump350, are you overall pleased with the 2.7? Maybe you could give me a heads up if you decide to list it for sale.