modern ’energy saving’ pulse power supplies are the bane of electronic longevity.
There really isn’t anything else to say.
bane: transitive verb. obsolete. : to kill especially with poison. bane. noun (2)
Manufacturers love this stuff These failures where they no longer have to fix or carry parts for them, or to be so complex and so cheap to replace that people just move on and accept the losses.
all while the manufacturers are complying with the low power consumption and efficiency rules.
Screwing everyone and everything all while rapped in the flag of righteous environmentalism.
Repeat business through continual failures, causes more harm to the environment that any number of old school ’inefficient’ power supplies would ever have.
You have to go after them like people are about to go after Apple. It’s called right to repair.
Samsung and the like made SURE that the gap between repair and purchasing new is so tight, that people generally go for new. Again, polluting the world immensely all while wrapped in corporate flags of power, money and doing the right environmental thing.
Advertising with slow mo beautifully rendered and lit pictures of children playing in wheat fields and young mothers gently holding their newborns under the bright sun and more crap like it... all while in the dark corners, they hope to keep people way from thinking about... the places they stab to death all the penguins and make sure that as many kids as possible are digging though totally unnecessary e- waste garbage in undeveloped countries. Nice.