Best material for an isolation platform?

I have an extra set of IsoAcoustics Gaia 2 isolation feet sitting around...I'm going build a platform for my integrated amp or transport. I have an oak shelf that would fit well 18x20x1.75. I could just as easily use MDF. Does the oak have any sonic drawbacks?
 Any thoughts?
The CLD sounds like it could be very good. I can endorse slate as I use it on a plinth. Aluminum with Panzerholz is also top tier.
Experiment with these and you will find all your wood species have their own characteristic sound. Partly this is due to shape and construction. A thin solid plank will have more character than the same wood cut into strips and laminated together into something thick like a cutting board.  

What I mean by character, is sonic signature. Each type of wood has its own distinctive sound. 

We do not in general want this. We want all our components to be neutral. Where things depart from neutral however they can be pleasant or unpleasant. You may find you prefer the sound of certain woods. There is a reason for example why Stradivarius violins are made from the wood of a particular tree growing high in a certain mountain forest. It sounds better. 

I did a lot of this and decided the reason MDF is so common, it is not necessarily "better" but it is a lot more benign and neutral than just about anything else. The best by far and still the champ for this is the BDR Source Shelf. Stiff, dense, highly damped and incredibly neutral. Equally incredibly expensive. But worth it. For a shelf. Must be used with Townshend Pods above and/or below, or else you get the ringing. Which you will get with all these woods too. It is only a question of how much and what type. 

Put it all together, I would go with whatever you think will look the best. Because ultimately the material will matter much less than whether or not you follow it up with Pods. The Gaia you have and so cost zero, if you put those under the shelf and use Pods between the shelf and the component then you would really have something.
A different remedy is at hand for those who realize isolation can only exist with the absence of matter. Creating greater impedance on or between 2 or more surfaces generates another set of issues as does spongy materials and springs between and under components and a shelf or floor.  Tom
Corian is a real good base.

All the porous rocks that are cut and de burred work the best sonically. Coral, volcanic, manmade.

The metamorphic/igneous rocks will ring like a bell. Granite, basite even concrete, UNLESS its fluffed (add a lot of air to the mix) it will ring.

Sedimentary rock like Caliche, are pretty quiet, when sliced.
Personally I like the way it looks in a cross section.. Almost burl like.

A geophysicist friend of mine has a patent on how to reduce interfering
energy that returns from the floor and back into the strings and bow of a cello. She has a method and science for select travertine stones
to rid the cello of its wolf note double peak that has harmonic coverage anywhere from 70hz to 18khz. The tail of the wolf note is parastic in nature and with its riddance the cello speaks faster plays easier and is more open and clear..and has greater acoustic output without the interfering energy attached to every harmonic.