2019 300B tubes that are worth the money?

OK, I'm not a super rich audiophile that has unlimited money to blow.  I have a pair of Cary 300 CAD300-SE monoblocks i bought used that currently have a pair of TJ/Full music tubes in them.  I am, overall, very happy with the sound.  So does anyone have a strong opinion that any of the $1000 a pair current production 300b tubes are really worth the money over my $300 pair?  Would my money be better spend on a needle upgrade for my turntable?  :-)
Mactone MH 300b stereo amps with factory supplied Electro - Harmonix tubes. 
The amp has been in use for over a month. It is a 22 w push pull class AB design, not single ended. And they are driving Eminent Technology LFT-8b’s ( 83 dB ) with amazing ease. I don’t know if the selection of 300b’s are less critical in a push - pull configuration than SET. However, I am in no hurry to try new tubes. And I am enjoying very  the amount of information provided here regarding the various 300b’s.
I too urge caution in purchasing Sophia 300b tubes. They failed prematurely, but the warranty was honored. I sold the replacements immediately. BTW, they were no sonic substitute for WE originals from >50 yrs ago by date code. I am trying to minimize the use on the WE. At true AARP-age, the WE may outlive me.
So sadly, after a year and 2 months, the Psvane Acme 300b tubes on the right channel of my Cayin Ha-300 amp started clicking and emitting white flashes. No other sound coming.
I swapped out those tubes for the stock tj full music and now my right channel is about - 20 dB lower, regardless if if swapp around the 300b tubes, the 6sn7 tubes, or the 22de4 rectifier tubes around. 

Amp is only 1 year 3 months old. Tubes bought from chi-fi audio. So aside from having to get my amp fixed (someone said it could be the Cathode resistor damaged by the voltage spike of the bad Acme 300b), I now have to buy new 300b tubes.

So is there a better place to buy them in North America? I absolutely love the sound of the Acme 300b, but are there other similar fast and open sounding 300b tubes I should get instead? 
well as the OP I thought I'd chime in with an update on my 300b status as this thread has somehow stayed alive and relevant.  As I stated previously, I ended up with a (supposedly) lightly used pair of KR tubes that I bought for $500 and was very happy with the sound.  But.... a few months ago one of the tubes slowly began to fail  (started randomly getting very soft and cutting out).  It was very hard and disappointing for me to admit the tube was going bad.  And then it was completely gone.  So I went back to my TJ/full music cheapos and was in anguish shopping and researching and rereading all the 300B reviews and trying to prepare myself for spending close to $1000 on a new pair of something.  Make a long story short, I settled on the PSVane Western Electric replicas and ordered through a somewhat dubious looking Chinese website where I paid only $600 (hifipartstore.com, if you are interested).  That seemed like a pretty good deal and the reviews I read seemed mostly very positive.  Took two weeks to arrive and I put them in yesterday... and.... I AM BLOWN AWAY!  My system sounds better than ever, the soundstage is enormous, the tone is warm and deep and detailed, the separation is fantastic.  Last night I couldn't stop listening to vinyl and heard stuff in old Fleetwood Mac that I'd never heard before!  I liked the KR tubes quite well, but without doing an A/B comparison I feel the PSVane WE 300B is superior.  Hopefully they will last awhile, but for now I am a very happy customer.  Cheers and good luck to you all in your search for audio nirvana.   
I have been using KR300b balloons for a couple of years with no issues whatsoever. Another NA source is Grant Fidelity in Canada - highly reliable. Has anyone tried the Audio Note 4300e?