Dumb question HT bypass

I admit ignorance. How would one configure a HT bypass setup using an AVR and a preamp featuring HY bypass? 
Not that I would.
I would be enamored with a "HT for Dummies" explanation of this voodoo.
THAT is why it is so confusing. I, like most (maybe not here at Agon) have only an AVR for surround and a preamp for stereo. This was stated in the original post. Any alternative setups cannot contribute to any illuminative answers and only tend to cloud up the issue. They are best ignored. 
At least for dummies.

Please do not even attempt to explain how adding complexity makes 2 channel reproduction sound better. "Sugar" free for me.
I rescind my query for that.

I do appreciate any knowledge gleaned and I WAS successful in a good use (for me) of the HT function on the pre. Without connecting it to the surround system.

I prefer to keep them seperate in the same room.

fuzztone, I think you had the answer in the post by reubent immediately following your original post. The sound quality of the front LR will depend on the quality of the DAC in the AVR. I doubt your contention that most who have an AVR also have a preamp (and presumably an amp) for stereo, but maybe so.

Why scold maxwave? I don’t understand the point of your penultimate paragraph, and if your ultimate paragraph is true why the OP in the first place?

The setup outlined by reubent works well. I use a processor and XLR cables rather than an AVR and RCA cables, but the principle is the same.
Why scold maxwave?

He has an AVR. Have you ever heard an AVR? Okay so you know how crappy they sound. Now imagine your life listening to an AVR. You would be out of your mind. So of course he is snippy and angry all the time. You would be too.

PS- From the Schumann thread:
Sarcasm and Satire, in my opinion, are some of the highest forms of humor! 

Post removed 
´´Please do not even attempt to explain how adding complexity makes 2 channel reproduction sound better. "Sugar" free for me.
I rescind my query for that. ´´

This was not my goal. I wrote about connections ….
But the idea of HTBP is precisely to have ´´ 2 channel reproduction sound better ´´ without using two
separated system .

If you can’t tolerate the ´´Sugar ´´ , why then are you asking how to cook using ´´Sugar ´´ in the first place ?

It may be for general knowledge, and that would be fine with me.