Speaker Upgrade Recommendation for Current Analog System - under $10,000 Budget

Music lovers/audiophiles, looking for input.
Considering a speaker upgrade to full range, floorstanders. Current analog system setup - recent full upgrade to Jolida JD 202 intergated amp. (40 watts), VPI Scout w JM 9 arm, Benz Mirco L2 cart, Tyler Acoustic Reference Monitors, ACI Force sub, Jolida JD 100 CD player. Have enjoyed current system for 15+ yrs. COVID and my location presents a challenge to auditioning. Based on articles and reviews narrowed considerartion to Salk Songbird3 BeAT, GoldenEar Triton One.R, Nola Contender S3. Refined to GoldenEar and Nola speakers. Seems GoldenEar may be the easiest for place in room. Reviews show them to share simular sound signature. Alternative option: switch out ACI Force for two Rythmik F12G subs, upgrade phono pre-amp and call it a day.
Listening room - 12' X 30' (configuration - odd shaped third floor (main room has window well, with narrow 6 ft. hallway to steps w/ separate room by steps). Favorite genries: Jazz and R&B, however, love music (1500 LP's). Probably last system change, looking at retirement with more time to enjoy my music. Appreciate the input.              
IF,, and thatsa  BIG IF, I had $10K, (which i never will have :--(((
, a  Field Coil Full Range, no doubt about it. 
Your budget is certainly enough for some excellent options. 
I’d look at Sonus Fabre (I have the Olympics Nova V and have owned others)

Davore Fidelity Super9s are another impressive speaker I considered. 
Listen to as many as you can and try to get a home trial. 
Enjoy the journey. 
Emerald Physics Open Baffle should be a match made in heaven. I have 3.4s with upgraded passive XOs. The driver is 12" with 1" concentric polyester tweeter. It’s ~ 99dB efficient which should make your 40 wpc amp very happy. If you need more bass, consider the 2 series+ which come with either one or two 15" carbon fiber woofers per cabinet. If you go this route and they have the OEM  jumpers, I upgraded to Wire World OOC: the improvement was not subtle

They are no longer in production. I have seen people selling them for ~ 20% of MSRP

So has OP decided on their speakers or is this year a post to get everyone to post about their own speakers, lol.  Some really good posts in this thread. 
$10k did you say??
Heck I only need $2k and i'll be in audiophile heaven. 
= $10k might get you less than my $2k speaker, In fact it most likely will, Spend more = get less
 is my mantra.