Insuring Your Vinyl Collection and Equipment

My insurance company will not insure my vinyl and CD collection as part of my home insurance policy. It basically is beyond them how to deal with the collection of a couple thousand records.

Looking for suggestions on where and how you've insured your collection and even your equipment.

Thank you!
The strange thing with that was that our agent didn't think they'd cover my wiring (interconnects and speaker wires), she was stunned to see how much those cost.
She may be on to something!
"The strange thing with that was that our agent didn’t think they’d cover my wiring (interconnects and speaker wires), she was stunned to see how much those cost."

If you need insurance to cover your cables, you are not rich enough to buy those cables.
Try Lloyd’s of London. If they will insure someone’s body parts, they should insure anything else. Keep a couple digital copies of your stuff in your house. Documents, pictures of product model and version-pressings and wax track, and a picture of the room it’s in and the serial number. Also, Look up the current value or have them valued by a professional. It has to be iron clad. Even show to a lawyer to make sure they can sue the insurance company if you are not fully compensated. If the insurance company has a way out they usually will not pay. Keep digital copies at a family members house, deposit box, and fire proof safe, and possibly in the cloud. It’s a lot of work but if it’s important enough to you then you have to put in the work. Once you do this and have a policy for a few years shop around for a better price.