Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth"

I've been enjoying my trial period with the Van Alstine SET 400 stereo amplifier. When I'm done and have collected my thoughts, I may write up a summary.

In the meantime, a question for folks with more experience. I've noticed is that the amp produces a sound stage that is nicely defined and articulate from left to right, but not as much from front to back. (My Adcom was also unable to create sound stage depth.) I know my room is capable of that sound stage because my tube amp accomplishes it.

Question: Is it typical of solid state amps to have less of a front to back sound stage than tube amps? Do they vary in this regard? Or, perhaps, am I failing to do something -- such as re-position my speakers? (After all, I immediately get that sound stage back when I switch amplifier without moving anything else.)

If you have any experience with solid state amplifiers and sound stage -- front to back, left to right, or whatever, I'm curious.

This is not about me keeping or not keeping the amp. There are many things I already really like about it. But I'm wondering about this aspect.

The position of your speakers and your room treatments are optimized for your tube amp.  Have you considered the possibility that they might need to be changed to obtain maximum performance from the ss amp that you swopped in?  No one expects all makes and models of loudspeakers to perform optimally in the same position in a given room; perhaps this notion should be extended to amps.
The distance from back wall is least Fremer thinks so, I tend to agree. If the recording does not have much depth, then there is none. However, there are some recordings that contain such.
I went from PrimaLuna integrated to Bel Canto Ref600M's (class "D") and believe sound stage improved. Still breaking in but happy so far.  For reference I am using a tube preamp. 
Great question and good discussion. I have a Freya + preamp that allows me to choose between solid state and tube front end. The difference is very clear between the two with a good soundstage left to right for both modes, but the tubes add depth. As others have stated, the recording matters as well, but I am assuming you have some good test tracks. Maybe try a tube preamp in front of the SET 400?
most probably have already seen it but the related current topic 'why do want distortions' has an ongoing discussion that has bearing on this one... esp. the contributions by ralph of atmasphere