Purist Audio Venustas vs. Nordost Quattro

Has anyone compared these cables. I am thinking of going with the PAD cables but have always liked my Nordost. Can anyone comment on the "house sound" of each company. Which would be better in a long run (say 6m or so). Any help would be wonderful.
Thanks for the response. I have a 6m length on order to check out from the Cable Co. I am anxious to see how they sound compared to my Nordost. Paul At the Cable Co. also recommended Tera Labs "The One".
I don't have experience with Nordost, but I do with Purist Venustas. I just recently replaced a Cardas Clear Cygnus RCA between my Chord Qutest and PrimaLuna EVO 400i and the everything was so much more open. SO much more individual instrument focus, it was incredible. I am also running the Venustas Luminist bi-wire speaker cables and they are incredible too. I have been a Purist fan for years, very open sound.
I sure hope the OP found something to his liking in 18 years!

That's a long time to go listening to a subpar setup.
hahah, I was going to mention that the Quattro is a freaking old cable, like 22 years! lol.