Us: hobbyists vs perfectionists vs aural epicureans vs rampant consumers vs bad Buddhists?

Anyone care to discuss this? How do you think of yourself in reference to your urge/itch/compulsion to upgrade your system?

If you find this topic silly or pointless or offensive, why not post in another thread that interests you more?
My musical system is a vehicle used to transport my lover. I enjoy her presence whether she rides in on a bicycle or a Bentley. I like it immensely when she comes in the Bentley or Maserati or Ferrari because I get to take a fabulous road trip with her. But if she comes on the bike, that’s alright with me because its her presence that counts the most.

Fat bottom girls they make the rockin' world go round.
Anally retentive Epicureans? I guess that’d make us bad Buddhists. There is obviously also a Dionysean component at play which has to do with good vibes.
I guess I better leave it at that before I get into trouble with the Thought Police.
I tell people all the time that there are no thought police. Are they lurking here? Am I wrong? Do I have to start thinking pure, grade A Buddhist thoughts--no longer craving for my system to be other than it is? After all, everything is perfect just the way it is (and there's tremendous room for improvement, I've heard.) Perhaps if I can learn to accommodate this paradox, my speakers' bass will become tighter.
In all my years here I don’t remember anyone else requesting that another member be "banned".
Recently, there has been an epidemics of it. In, now defunct, rap threads people were going gung-ho on millercarbon. For the record, I was against it and somehow tried to defend his thoughts despite them being different from mine.

Even more recently, in millercarbon’s own thread, he suggested my (?!!!) removal. In other threads, he bragged about people being removed.

millercarbon05-10-2021 3:00pm

"...This member deserves to be banned for life from all things audio. He has nothing to contribute but hate. He is the antithesis of what we are doing here..."