To be perfectly candid this thread strikes me as virtue signaling of the highest order. It is sexist in the extreme. If we want to attract more people to the hobby then fine, attract more people. The minute you start slicing and dicing people into classes, well then you can no longer say people are people. You have denigrated the divine individual to no more than a member in a class. There’s a word for this and it ain’t good. So you lost me.
Especially since I am quite certain this is virtue signaling with zero chance of anyone seriously considering the question. Because that would call for noticing this:
We recently had several threads expressly created for the sole purpose of aggrandizing music that is misogynist. Not just aggrandizing, calling it masterpiece level music. Even though no one can find so much as a single lyric that is not demeaning to women. One of the more famous ones, even though it was in French, turned out the woman in the song was- get this- masochist. She was masochistic and so she went with the macho dude she knew would mistreat her. This is what they came up with when asked expressly to find a song that is not misogynist. We are talking just about women here so we won’t even go into the racism, profanity, and drug abuse glorification aspects of rap.
So you want to attract more women, you got your work cut out for you. A public rebuke of the people who contributed to the rap threads will be a start.
I know, fat chance. That’s the thing about virtue: painlessly easy to signal, incredibly painful to actually embody.