Interesting thought

Was reading a post on older men only enjoying the hobby of hifi audio and had a thought. I think part of the reason may be younger people have little to no exposure to hi end audio. So my thought is what if it was introduced to a bar setting. I’m not talking an extreme 2 channel system but a bar that advertises a higher end music system. I’m thinking it may attract some younger men and may stimulate an interest in the products. 

I think with technology today a great sound system could be installed with room treatments to provide a pleasant audio experience. 
Maybe this will be the birth of the hifi bar. Interest if any bar owners have a comment.

Maybe with a nice choice of bourbon. 
FWIW, I think audiophiles obsess too much about the lack of new young blood in our hobby. Think about your own audiophile history. How old were you when you first subscribed to TAS or Stereophile? How old were you when you bought your first piece of genuine high end gear or speakers? In my case, all I knew was Stereo Review and mid fi gear until I was in my 30s. My first real speakers were purchased when I was 40. By then, I had a little more time and money, and the ability to learn about the hobby from the internet.

While the internet isn’t new to millennials, they are marrying later, buying their first homes later, and having kids later than my generation. So maybe it’s a wash. But when a person’s lifestyle changes from running around all the time to relaxing at home, they might begin to ask themselves, as I did when I hit 40, why not start to build a good system?

I saw some people like that when I worked briefly at a large audio and camera store in NYC. They were usually not that young and were clearly buying a home stereo system for the first time. I had little to offer beyond mid-fi, but they wanted something to listen to besides headphones. It made me think that our hobby will always be mainly for middle aged and older, mostly male, folk.
Hi end audio… all my life hi end audio was having the best system I could afford. And still is.
Moved out of the house at 18 and bought a Nikko receiver, Realistic speakers and a Garrard turntable. Worked at a gas station as a mechanic.
Been getting better slowly but surely.
Getting youth involved is letting them know you don’t need a Ferrari to enjoy a passion.
Enjoy the music. Oh yea Sly’s song “Sex Machine” got played a lot when I was that age… and sound stage was meaningless.
Small doses of alcohol makes your senses sharper. Booze even considered to be doping in such sport as shooting and  archery... so if time to time you want a little boost of your hearing or perception nothing wrong with it. Some times a drink or two while listening could have effect similar to tube rolling :)
How old were you when you first subscribed to TAS or Stereophile? And the ability to learn about the hobby from the internet?

16 - early 2000's
To be an audiophile is not to own expensive components with great SQ but to have taste and ability of great music perception... both of my kids are audiophiles cause when they non intentionally listen to some of my music (most recent one is Sixteen Tons by The Platters and Handbrake by Micatone) they both was very curious who’s that singers and bands. The kids are 13 and 19 years old and they was very pleased with what they heard.