The speaker/amplification wars continue

SET amplification vs PP amplification
High sens speakers vs ~`The INEFFICIENTS~~~
You might think this topic belongs over on amps room. Not at all. 
SET + High sens (91db-120db)
PP + Low sens = The Inefficients (below 91db)
Sunday I hope to get Richard Gray's 211 SET amp he builds in his shop.
This will be my 1st ever exp with SET amps, Not once have I heard a SET amp.
I know now what a  PP can do. 
I have various FR 91ish db speakers for testing.
Thinking it all over.
My only concern is classical music, Specifically full orchestra rocking N rolling. 
While listening to my Defy 7 6550, the orchestra is not separated, its all blended, like a  Louisiana Gumbo.
I'm guessing RG's 211 will bring  in details which a  PP amp just can't manage. 
I am not sure ,. just guessing here. Now all the YT vids on SET amps, have easy jazz, solo instruments, nothing complex whatsoever,. 
So obviously I will not test with my usual reference cds, Gatemouth Brown Gateswings, nor Sophie Milman. ,,well no actually we will start with Gatemouth, as his cd is high chaged with  thick stuff going on, Lets see ifa  211 can handle its business.
Next I will test the 211 witha  bunch of high quality classical, Rip Roaring full orchestra. 
Will tghe 211 pass with colors and separation and SLAM! or will the big bad boy go down in flames , all discobobulated and coughing its guts out.
Will post results. 
If SET wins, Defy is up on the auction block, actually ~buy now,/ships free~Going to takea hit on that one, as i have $1500 in upgrades, amp is from the early 2000'ish? . , amp hardly used, . Maybe 3-4 yrs  
I asked you this in another thread and you never answered is that Richard Gray the same guy as Richard Gray Power Company?
Are you just trying to sell this amp without paying fees,lol.....I had a defy 7 for 3 or 4 years,its ok...nothing i would suggest anyone buying...pain in the ass and kind of dangerous to bias if not really knowledgeable  plus extremely expensive to retube....
I asked you this in another thread and you never answered is that Richard Gray the same guy as Richard Gray Power Company?

Yes The one and only
Richard the electrical genius.
He;'s been harping on me, **You have the wrong speakers** with my Seas 87db + DEfy 7. 
He was right all along, Had I listened I could have prevented going down the expensive Thor upgrade road.
Now I am going FR/high sedsn, now he's harping , **you have the wrong amplification***
He may be correct, not sure til i catually get his 211 amp he designed. 
I think he  sells this amp, didn't say  specifically, all he said is *folks who use MY 211 and 250,,,,** So I am guessing I can sell my Defy and get his 211. 
Sunday he'll be at his shop, i'll get the amp, and will know whats up with the SET sound.