Why so many Rotel RCD-1072 players for sale ?

Just wondering why there are a lot of the Rotel RCD-1072 players for sale? Are they a good unit? I was thinking of picking one of these up to try with my DK Design Ref MK II. since it would almost match the DK in silver. Has anybody tried this player with a DK? Thanks for you time and help.

I own one as a stand by. It is in the attic now but I can tell you, it can compete with a lot of more expensive players on the market. I have had numerous players through my system including a Wadia 861se, Sony's xa777es, Meridian's GO8, Marantz S11s1 and many others. It is an excellent player that I sure wouldn't be afraid of.
If you look at A'gon, people sell just about anything and I don't think it has to do with the quality of sound sometimes. People are on that elusive trail of sonic nirvana. They'll find out somethings are not always an upgrade! Their lost is someone else's gain.
Thanks everyone for your time !!! I guess no bad news is good news so i think i will give one a try.
