Us: hobbyists vs perfectionists vs aural epicureans vs rampant consumers vs bad Buddhists?

Anyone care to discuss this? How do you think of yourself in reference to your urge/itch/compulsion to upgrade your system?

If you find this topic silly or pointless or offensive, why not post in another thread that interests you more?
@millercarbon, as much as I admire your “Music is one of these physical manifestations of this primordial, impersonal self” turn of phrase, may I say that—as a card carrying Buddhist for decades—one of the fundamental tenets of Buddhism s that there is no such thing, now or ever, any self, certainly not primordial.
Please no flames. An observation made tongue in cheek. 😇

Regarding how I think about upgrading my system: I do it in a Buddhist way—how much temporary happiness will it bring, how long will it be, and is there something else  that will bring me longer happiness?  Since by definition in Buddhist thought no external thing or person can bring permanent happiness,

That’s enough for one day. My brain is hurting. 
Your brain? But there is no self. There is no you to hang onto, all clinging to life is an illusory hand grasping at smoke. Maybe your brain hurts because you are attached. But a Buddha cannot be stuck. He cannot be phased. He always flows. Just as water always flows.

Duhka comes from krishna. You suffer because you cling to the world. You don’t realize that the world is anitya and anatman.

So then try if you can not to grasp.

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
One of the more hilarious examples of mid-witted silliness ever. And on this site that is truly saying something. I would be angry, but the thought of someone so small makes me sad for them.
OP here.
I appreciate your sharing your point of view on this thread the same as I appreciate all the point of views that have been offered, but, at the risk of riling you up, I would ask you to try to be civil when you feel triggered or upset by what others post.
i’m guessing that much like the poster that you responded negatively to, you don’t like that I am responding negatively to you, but I’m trying my best to do it in a kind way, and I think that makes a difference.If we are not careful, we will drive away the faint of heart posters who might have a lot of valuable things to say to us, despite a different thickness of skin compared to others. Perhaps I’m being presumptuous to think that because I am the original poster, I have a right to regulate what people do in a given thread. I apologize if I’m overstepping myself here. I’m certainly not trying to make matters worse, I’m trying to facilitate this thread being something useful to all who participate.
You don't get it. There was nothing negative in the post! It was pure Buddhist philosophy! Half of what I said was taken straight from a talk on Buddhist philosophy! Then at the end just to put something in there everyone ought to be able to understand was the Beatles quote, let it be! You can't get any more Buddhist than that! 

So here you are lecturing me about driving people away, when all I did was post some introspective views. On a thread specifically asking about Buddhists!

You do owe me an apology but not for overstepping, everyone is totally inbounds to question another. But for whoever had my post removed in a fit of ignorant rage, you ought to contact the mods and have it restored.

Then if you do that I will be happy to walk everyone through it one word at a time if necessary until it becomes crystal clear the message was liberating and not the least bit negative.

Or here's a thought, you could simply watch the Alan Watts video that was linked in the post. There are a lot of things people could do if they had the least bit of interest in trying to understand. Instead whenever anyone says anything they don't understand the reaction always seems to be STFU. Sad.