How Do You Pronounce Thiel?

Is it "Teel" or "Theel"?
"The receptionist, I believe, has a Kentucky accent, and it comes out "Till."

Know is that like "to cultivate the ground" or "up to the time of"?

You have to love the English language. :-)

Nice speakers by the way.
It is as mentioned, pronounced TEEL or TEAL but you must lean back about 5-7 degrees to make it sound correct! Just as BOSE pronounced BOZE should be pronounced facing in the opposite direction and Klipsch pronounced CLIP-SHH should be pronounced with your hands cupped on either side of your mouth.:)
I was stationed in Kentucky in the Army.
My first name is Mike.
I worked with a guy named MacFarland who they called Mac.
I was the only one who never knew when they were saying "Mike" and when they were saying "Mac." The locals would say "Not you, I said Mike" and point to Mac.