@mglik Just the type of information I'm looking for, thank you. I spent hours with that Magico A5 and Rockport Atria II's before choosing the Atrias. They seems more cohesive without giving up any of the detail the Magicos are renowned for.
Question re BBC legacy: I've had Harbeth 30.1 and 30.2s with HSU subs. Eventually gave them up for Focal Kanta 3s as the "Brittish" sound was a bit "polite" for me.
I typically enjoy a speaker which details inner voices - hence the Kantas and now Atrias -both of which are voiced more "forward" than the Harbeth. That said, the Autograph Minis seem to have an entirely different approach than Hsrbeths and seem to present voicing detail as well. Further, while the Harbeth is known for vocal reproduction, the Tannoys also excel in reproducing the human voice in perhaps an even more tangible/visceral way. As a classical singer this struck me immediately.
Question re BBC legacy: I've had Harbeth 30.1 and 30.2s with HSU subs. Eventually gave them up for Focal Kanta 3s as the "Brittish" sound was a bit "polite" for me.
I typically enjoy a speaker which details inner voices - hence the Kantas and now Atrias -both of which are voiced more "forward" than the Harbeth. That said, the Autograph Minis seem to have an entirely different approach than Hsrbeths and seem to present voicing detail as well. Further, while the Harbeth is known for vocal reproduction, the Tannoys also excel in reproducing the human voice in perhaps an even more tangible/visceral way. As a classical singer this struck me immediately.