So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?

3,581 posts
05-14-2021 6:24am
@ edgewound

The signal does not flow in the wire. The signal energy flows through the space between the wires in the form of an electromagnetic wave.

The signal energy does not travel back and forth as it moves at near the speed of light (in a vacuum) from the source to the load. The signal energy electromagnetic wave moves in one direction from the source to the load.

Here is some reading material for you.

" The quick answer

Inside the wires, the "something" moves very, very slowly, almost as slowly as the minute hand on a clock. Electric current is like slowly flowing water inside a hose. Very slow, so perhaps a flow of syrup. Even maple syrup moves too fast, so that's not a good analogy. Electric charges typically flow as slowly as a river of warm putty. And in AC circuits, the moving charges don't move forward at all, instead they sit in one place and vibrate. Energy can only flow rapidly in an electric circuit because metals are already filled with this "putty." If we push on one end of a column of putty, the far end moves almost instantly. Energy flows fast, yet an electric current is a very slow flow.

The complicated answer

Within all metals there is a substance which can move. This stuff has several different names: the Sea of Charge, or the Electron Sea, or the Electron Gas, or "charge." We often call it "electricity," and state that electric currents are flows of electricity. Calling it "electricity" can be misleading because many people believe that electricity is a form of energy, yet charge is not energy, and currents are not flows of energy. Also it can be misleading because the Sea of Charge exists within in all metal objects, all the time, even when the metal hasn't been made into a wire and is not part of an electric device. If the Electron Sea is "electricity," then we must say that all metals are always full of electricity, and that batteries are simply electricity-pumps. Better to call it by the name "charge-sea," and avoid the misleading word "electricity" entirely.

During an electric current, the metal wire stays still and the sea of charge flows along through it. When the flashlight switch is turned off and the lightbulb goes dark, the charge-sea stops moving forward. Even though it stops moving, the charge-sea is still inside of that wire. If the flashlight is again turned on, but then two light bulbs are connected in parallel instead of one, the electric current will have twice as large a value, and twice as much light will be created. And most important, the charge-sea within the battery's wires will flow twice as fast. In other words, the speed of the charges is proportional to the value of electric current; small current means slow charge-flow, large current means high speed. Zero current means the charges have stopped in place. Note however that an electric current does not have just one speed within any circuit. Charges speed up whenever they flow into a thinner wire. The high current in a large flash-lantern's lightbulb will be much faster than the same current in the other conductors in the lantern. Even though an electric current is a very slow flow of charges, we can't know the actual speed of flow unless first we know the thickness of the wires, as well as the *value* (the amperes) of the current in the wires.

If a thin wire is connected in a circuit end to end with a thick wire, it turns out that the charges in the thin wire move faster. This makes sense: it works just like water in rivers. If a huge wide river moves into a narrow channel, the water speeds up. When the channel opens out again downstream, the river slows down again. The electric current inside a very thin wire will be tend to be fast, even if the value of current is fairly low. This means that we can't know the speed of the flowing charge-sea unless we know how thick the wires are.

If a copper wire is connected into a series circuit with an aluminum wire of the same diameter, the charges in the copper will flow slower. This occurs because there is one movable charge per each atom in the metals, but there are more atoms packed into the copper than into the aluminum, so there is more charge in each bit of copper. When the charge-sea flows into the copper, it gets packed together and slows down. When it flows out into the aluminum, it spreads out a bit and speeds up. This means that we cannot know how fast the charges flow unless we know how dense the charge-sea is within the metal.

The speed of electric currentSince nothing visibly moves when the charge-sea flows, we cannot measure the speed of its flow by eye. Instead we do it by making some assumptions and doing a calculation. Let's say we have an electric current in normal lamp-cord connected to bright light bulb. The electric current works out to be a flow of approximatly 3 inches per hour. Very slow!

...and that's for DC."

You really should read your own posts before trying to make a point. AC current doesn't wiggles or vibrates back and for according to your source. Your post from the physics explanation of energy flowing in waves would also negate the need for an expensive wire, since it's not actually travelling through through the wire. More proof from physicists that expensive cables are a scam. 
If Feynman couldn't explain it, what hopes are there for you guys to be able to explain it.
I really like this site. Plug size of conductor in the calculator and it will calculate the drift velocity of the charge carriers.

1,295 posts
05-14-2021 4:28pm
If Feynman couldn't explain it, what hopes are there for you guys to be able to explain it.

Which brings us to the point of what? That high-end cable manufacturers can't possibly explain it, either? proved that measurements from 10Hz-200Khz are virtually non-existent from a cheap cable to an expensive cable...and the expensive cable actually ADDED noise from it's antenna effect. Not a good outcome for $2,400.00. But....that's just my subjective opinion.
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