Info micro-seiki A-1200 armbase

Hi all audiogoners,

I need the knowledge of the most experienced fans of micro seiki

I have an A-1200 armbase  but I don't know what it is exactly and it has no label

I'm sure it's not the A-1201 I have....

Is there a system to find out by measuring it?

Here is a photo:

Thanks in advance for the help
It's not the 1203 as this has the hole dead centre of the base (to be used with FR-64). This one is off centre, so probably 1205 for Micro MA 505 series or 1207 for Micro MAX 237, depending on the diameter of the hole.

So summarizing:
It is not 1201
It is not 1203
In the photos of 1205 that I see on the internet seem very different, I measure the pivot to centre of hole and it is 237...
so what?