So done with audiophile fuses

The journey started with a medium priced ($50) fuse in my power supply.  A failed rectifier tube blew that one out.  Not a fuse problem.  Next up was a blue fuse in my pre amp.  It blew and was not caused by a pre amp problem.  Apparently they sometimes are more sensitive and it was replaced by an orange fuse two values higher.  Things were going along fine.  I replaced the pre amp with a newer version of the pre amp and it has the same fuse value.  Five months latter (today) I turn on the pre amp and nothing.  it's a five month old pre amp so I suspected that it was the fuse.  Sure enough, I replaced it with a ceramic Littelfuse of the lower correct value it works fine.  No more wasting my money on unstable fuses for me.     
" You two kids just don’t seem to get it and rely now on insults and other asinine statements just to get by with now that you’ve lost all credibility."

We are simply trying to help some delusional parties who claim they hear voices which do not exist, by introducing them to reality :-)

cakyol604 posts05-14-2021 7:55pm" You two kids just don’t seem to get it and rely now on insults and other asinine statements just to get by with now that you’ve lost all credibility."

We are simply trying to help some delusional parties who hear voices that do not exist, by trying to bring them back to reality :-)

I do believe that "other's" credibility has been lost by their own ropes they've hung themselves with by trying to cite sources that they've actually not read themselves.

If it wasn't for these "entertaining" posts, audiogon would be a dull forum ;)

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For someone called "nonoise", you actually make quite a lot of it :) Ever considered changing your user id ?