Lack of Female Representation

So who can explain the near lack of females in our hobby?  There are far more women discussing football than audio, by a long shot.  There are a lot more women into fixing up their cars as well.  I just can’t think of a hobby, other than ours, where representation is so close to zero.
@nonoise Now why did you have to bring up therapy? For some of those on Audiogon, they tried therapy in the attempt to reconcile the issues with their first four marriages, so, apparently therapy just doesn't work! ;-)
My bad.

@nonoise LOL…your post was terrific.

@audition__audio Did you have a tough day? All that needs to happen for others to feel welcome is to welcome them. All that needs to happen for those that are trying to learn is to help them if you are in a position to do so. I’m sure you do those things here and during your normal day.

I’m going to guess you wouldn’t be opposed to revising certain parts of history or women’s studies right? John Glenn relied, insisted as a matter of fact, on the mathematical skills of a woman of color for trajectory analysis. That didn’t make it in to the first version of history but mercifully it has found its way in to history 2.0. We all share a responsibility to assist others when a formerly exclusionary pursuit no longer excludes.

Go back to the good old days of Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best. Women can dust the stereo and be damn glad to do it !!
I'm sure there are a number of reasons. For my money, I don't think women like to collect things as much as men do. What's the first thing your wife says when you bring something home? "Where are you going to put that?"
Read my post and spare me the emotion based diatribes. Never in any of my responses have I said anything about unequal treatment and never have I called for a return to more traditional roles for women. Never have I demeaned, insulted or implied any lack of worth. I just simply refuse to go along with the tired narrative of the gentle/caring ones. 

May I remind you that women's movements for years having only sought equal, not special, treatment. But I thank you for your civility and for actually responding to  content instead if just making a terse and predictable comment like the one from our resident sage djones. What other than a refusal to treat with deference do you find in my posts that you find objectionable?