Using a different, higher value fuse to get better performance from an amplifier is stupid. You might burn your house down...from what we have learned through electrical engineering.
Is that understandable to you? It’s not that hard to figure out if you’re actually paying attention.
SO IF a fuse or a peanut, or a dried TURD, gave an amp better performance, that is NOT OK?
Why on earth is it not OK to make an amp sound better with a DRIED TURD?
Add anything in the world in the stupid fuse slot it makes no difference to ME.. I just want to know if it works better.
What does "WORK BETTER" actually mean to me?
It sounds better. NOT I think it sounds better, it sounds better.
Can an improved PC and protection circuit be improved from factory?
HECK yes it can.. What do you think the cream of the CROP design power amps?
Do you see Pass, Curl, Cary, Mcintosh, or any of THOSE folks coming out of NASA, or NEC, or the FDA, or Brain or Heart surgeon Professorships? WTF.
Do you really think stereo STUFF is all that complicated? I’m just an ol mechanic.. This $hit is pretty simple to figure out AND make sound better. Much less build it. I can honestly say an ol flathead ford is more complicated in terms of engineering than any amp that was EVER made...
NOW think about a new dielectric power plant (BART). The injector system has 100 times the sophistication of the most talked about stereo SYSTEM on the planet. The whole dog gone stereo. From the wall plug until it hits your ears and comes out the other side (FOR SOME).
Some folks are funny.. I crack myself up all the time.
BUT when I really want a chuckle, I wait for the Eeyore crowd to grow a pair and start jaw jackin’.
Like I’ve said, sure wish I could have worked with some of you folks, sure would have been a hoot.. Would have learned to pay attention if nothing else. I’d blow something up to get a fools attention.. What ever it took to get the DUMMIES attention..
M80s in the Port-A-Lue is a GREAT teaching aid for a heard headed TALKER, NOT WORKER.
Try it, if you don’t like it SEND IT BACK and get every mumpin' dime back and you have braggin' rights to say they are JUNK.
The rest of the Eeyore crowd, who cares what they say?
They have NEVER used an aftermarket fuse.
I know, ask a shoe salesman if he thinks your HEART sound correct. Here give it a listen..
I LISTEN to those who have used them.. NOT TALKED about them..
THEN a buddy GAVE me a 8-10 of blues, blacks and orange SRs
I used ACME golds, SR were an improvement..
So was the 6.00 ACME.. A breaker whipped them both.. in power amps..
Is that understandable to you? It’s not that hard to figure out if you’re actually paying attention.
SO IF a fuse or a peanut, or a dried TURD, gave an amp better performance, that is NOT OK?
Why on earth is it not OK to make an amp sound better with a DRIED TURD?
Add anything in the world in the stupid fuse slot it makes no difference to ME.. I just want to know if it works better.
What does "WORK BETTER" actually mean to me?
It sounds better. NOT I think it sounds better, it sounds better.
Can an improved PC and protection circuit be improved from factory?
HECK yes it can.. What do you think the cream of the CROP design power amps?
Do you see Pass, Curl, Cary, Mcintosh, or any of THOSE folks coming out of NASA, or NEC, or the FDA, or Brain or Heart surgeon Professorships? WTF.
Do you really think stereo STUFF is all that complicated? I’m just an ol mechanic.. This $hit is pretty simple to figure out AND make sound better. Much less build it. I can honestly say an ol flathead ford is more complicated in terms of engineering than any amp that was EVER made...
NOW think about a new dielectric power plant (BART). The injector system has 100 times the sophistication of the most talked about stereo SYSTEM on the planet. The whole dog gone stereo. From the wall plug until it hits your ears and comes out the other side (FOR SOME).
Some folks are funny.. I crack myself up all the time.
BUT when I really want a chuckle, I wait for the Eeyore crowd to grow a pair and start jaw jackin’.
Like I’ve said, sure wish I could have worked with some of you folks, sure would have been a hoot.. Would have learned to pay attention if nothing else. I’d blow something up to get a fools attention.. What ever it took to get the DUMMIES attention..
M80s in the Port-A-Lue is a GREAT teaching aid for a heard headed TALKER, NOT WORKER.
Try it, if you don’t like it SEND IT BACK and get every mumpin' dime back and you have braggin' rights to say they are JUNK.
The rest of the Eeyore crowd, who cares what they say?
They have NEVER used an aftermarket fuse.
I know, ask a shoe salesman if he thinks your HEART sound correct. Here give it a listen..
I LISTEN to those who have used them.. NOT TALKED about them..
THEN a buddy GAVE me a 8-10 of blues, blacks and orange SRs
I used ACME golds, SR were an improvement..
So was the 6.00 ACME.. A breaker whipped them both.. in power amps..