What’s a mistake you made by being impulsive?

I’m looking for cautionary tales to curb upgraditis.

After living with the same speakers and integrated for 20 years, I’ve now replaced everything in the last year. I even have a list of next steps that may or may not be necessary. Like I probably should finish mounting all my acoustic panels before getting a subwoofer. And do I really need a better pre if I only use one source and might eventually upgrade to a DAC with volume control? Did I mention I’m waiting for new speakers to ship? But SET amps sure are interesting and now I want one of those, too.

So when did you make a purchase and then immediately regret it because you decided to go a different direction?
Ehh, the way I see it, if one can afford it and make it work within one's budget, then it's no big deal; it'll probably bring some new joy into one's life. 

On the other hand, if it causes you to eat ramen noodles for half a year, or it prevents you from making badly needed repairs to one's car used mainly for work, then yeah, it was a mistake!  Hah!  
Maybe by taking too many steps to get to where I already knew that I'd end up. But even those 'mistakes' revealed more about the hobby and increased my depth of knowledge - even if it sometimes drained my bank account!
I made many mistakes 7 years ago trying to create my audio system...

I read reviews and was deceived with many low cost products and 7 pairs of headphones i used no more......

Finally i take matter in my hand with listening experiments...3 years ago

To say a story short, i am no more gullible consumer and know that to create imaging, depth , soundstage, listener envelopment, natural timbre, any "relatively good pieces of gear" well chosen MAY do, IF after decreasing the electrical noise floor, and controlling vibrations/resonance, you STUDY acoustic with your ears and made simple experiments...

But people think that it takes a costly tube amplifier for example to create depth imaging....This is how superstitious consumers are....Price is for them a guarantee ...

And acoustic for them is a few costly panels you glue to the walls...a secondary addition to their branded name costly gear....

The worst mistake people could do is ignore acoustic ...

Who will believe that with 1/2 inch in less on a 6 inches straw added to an Helmholtz tubes with an aperture of less than 2 centimeters one can collapse the soundstage dramatically in a room? Or the opposite?

i know i did it....

Dont make any mistake study acoustic and psychoacoustic not the catalog of acoustic panels sellers....Quit upgrading and think....

I don’t believe you are extracting most of the benefit that the D.I.’s have to offer.
I’m fairly familiar with them having owned them for about 3 1/2 years.
They are not perfect, but they have the ability to perform pretty darn good overall, and are exceptional in certain areas. At their price point they are a great value.
I wonder what’s the likelihood that something is amiss with your pair.