Need help: turntable market in the $1500-$2000 range is overwhelming

I’m looking for a new turntable. Had a Dual 1229 years ago but it broke and I got out of vinyl and all that. Got a crappy Audio-Technica around the holidays last year because I thought I’d digitize my records but I don’t feel like doing that anymore and it’s a fiddly turntable that doesn’t sound great. I’m giving myself $1500-$2000 to jump in with the expectation of buying something that’ll keep me happy for a few years.

Sorry, but no Technics tables please!!!! Black or silver. They all look like my crappy Audio-Technica and I’m going to be shallow and say looks matter and that I’m agnostic at best about direct drive. Yeah, I’m dumb.

So in the price range I’ve established I’ve looked at and found interesting offerings from:

—Music Hall

And what feels like a zillion others.

So how the hell do I choose in a market flooded with tables in my price range? 

Oh, and sure, tell me how stupid I am for not wanting a Technics like I keep seeing recommended on the forum, but I’m not going to buy one so please help me with another offering if you can!!!

And I’d prefer to buy new so I can work with a dealer or manufacturer if there are any issues.....
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Honestly in that price range, I don't think you can go wrong with any of those particular brands.  The audible differences are going to be minimal, so really the only decision would be personal aesthetics and perhaps upgradability.  Also some of those brands/models come with a solid cartridge attached and others might be an added expense.  

Buying new, I personally like the Clearaudio in that price category.  
Take a look at the Schiit Sol. It gets a sterling review in the last Stereophile mag.
Thanks for the input so far, guys. I guess the fact that I couldn’t really go wrong with any of these turntables is what makes choosing so hard.

I was reading about the Schiit Sol recently and then discovered that it’s currently out of production because of supply chain issues.

The wood plinth for the that’s a nice look!

As for my budget, I forgot who asked but yeah, I’m looking at $1500 to $2000 with a cartridge that I could be happy with for a while.

My phono stage is a Schiit Mani right now. Lots of gain adjustability for different cartridges both MM and MC.