A woman scorned. Woman can be more vicious then men and in many ways are more difficult. Anybody who has had children will tell you that.
Young men do stupid things like overcook a corner in Dad's car. Young women are an emotional rollercoaster. Being the chicken I am I let my wife deal with it....until my youngest started cutting her arms. Look at the crowds that attended Beatles concerts, young women screaming their heads off. Go to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and you have young males violently smashing into each other, pressed together like sardines.
As I said in my previous post human males and females are vastly different. But, there are commonalities. Both like music, both love their children. My younger sister is also an audiophile (I made her first system, a Heath Kit all in one.) She is also the scariest driver I have ever seen.
Society should not discriminate in any way, not by color, sex or creed. But, women are better at some things, men at others. African American males disproportionally populate professional football and basketball leagues caucasians ski teams and automobile racing. This is nothing but people taking advantage of their assets. The sexes do the same. Don't be stuck in time. Both racism and sexism are nowhere near what they use to be just 50 years ago. 100 years ago women were just getting the right to vote! No one can argue that we are not headed in the right direction. But, changes in humans are generational. Socrates said give me a boy until he is seven and he is mine. Just exchange "boy" with "child". You are not going to change older people. They may modify their behavior but their internal thinking will be the same. So, a certain amount of patience is required. And, political correctness is just a way to prevent solving problems.
Young men do stupid things like overcook a corner in Dad's car. Young women are an emotional rollercoaster. Being the chicken I am I let my wife deal with it....until my youngest started cutting her arms. Look at the crowds that attended Beatles concerts, young women screaming their heads off. Go to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and you have young males violently smashing into each other, pressed together like sardines.
As I said in my previous post human males and females are vastly different. But, there are commonalities. Both like music, both love their children. My younger sister is also an audiophile (I made her first system, a Heath Kit all in one.) She is also the scariest driver I have ever seen.
Society should not discriminate in any way, not by color, sex or creed. But, women are better at some things, men at others. African American males disproportionally populate professional football and basketball leagues caucasians ski teams and automobile racing. This is nothing but people taking advantage of their assets. The sexes do the same. Don't be stuck in time. Both racism and sexism are nowhere near what they use to be just 50 years ago. 100 years ago women were just getting the right to vote! No one can argue that we are not headed in the right direction. But, changes in humans are generational. Socrates said give me a boy until he is seven and he is mine. Just exchange "boy" with "child". You are not going to change older people. They may modify their behavior but their internal thinking will be the same. So, a certain amount of patience is required. And, political correctness is just a way to prevent solving problems.