A non-subjective recommendation for the Puritan PSM156

I have tried a few pre-owned power conditioners (Shunyata) and regenerators  (PS Audio) around the £2,000 / $ 3,000 level and always ended up parting company with them after a few days.

A month ago I bought a new power conditioner called the PSM 156 by Puritan Audio in the UK (£1,450 including a 2m Puritan power cord) and I am keeping it, but with one caveat...

...but first here are the the mistakes which i made:

(1) because i had a dedicated 20 amp supply, and I live in a quiet leafy neighbourhood, I though my power was relatively clean.

(2) because I had fairly high end components I thought they would have pretty good noise rejection (pl see my virtual system if you wish)

(3) my power amp is a bit of a beast driving WWP 6’s which have highly variable impedances so I thought I needed to spend big on a re-generator when i could afford it.

All wrong.

rather than provide a list of subjective superlatives, I will explain some of the SQ improvements with real world examples.

With sound stage it is easy to hear the difference with added width, height and depth but it also brings some sounds much further forward, which isn’t easy. 

The WWP’s 6’s have sometimes been criticised for being harsh or bright and I have experienced that too, previously, on some tracks, but not any more. 

An example would be a really well produced track, by Edwin Star called Easin’ in. It has a solid finger click during the intro and it was always much too forward for my ears on my system. I foolishly wondered if it was a recording engineers mistake? :) nope! The PSM has removed the 3,000/4,000 Hz bump that I was previously correcting using EQ in Roon.

A final, non subjective, example is that complex pieces of music now present so much more easily that I keep hearing lyrics of songs I have known for years and think “ oh that’s what the lyrics are!”

no doubt there are other conditioners in the market place which can produce these results but, perhaps, not at this price?

The caveat referred to at the start  is that I did start adding several wall-wart plugs to the PSM and the SQ dropped off.  I currently only have my preamp/DAC/Streamer and power amp plugged in to the PSM and then I run the nasty plugs for ethernet switches and routers off a separate spur.

ps. I found out about Puritan Audio from another ‘goner in a thread several weeks ago but now cannot find or remember who it was...but thank you! 

pps. all you naysayers about Wilson’s Watt Puppy’s - are wrong! 😊

My 156 arrived Thursday.

It replaced Hydra 8 daisy-chained to a 6 and a Akiko Audio Triple AC Enhancer. This is on my dedicated line feeding my front end components.

Upon first listen, the sonic benefits are easily heard.

When noise is removed from an audio system, every aspect is drastically improved.

BTW, I checked with my Alpha Labs EMI noise meter before the introduction of the Puritan and after. Before, the measurements was hovering at 359 mv,
after 115mv.

This is a drastic difference folks. One that makes an easily heard difference in SQ.
+1.  Exactly.  This is what I posted before.

"I've had a number of brands of power conditioner in the house over the years, but this one is something special. Inserting it cold into a cold system, the improvement was perceptible within the first bar of music. The sound was somehow more present, the relaxed passages more relaxed, the more forceful passages more forceful. I ended up turning down the volume a little from where I normally listen. Sound is definitely superior with the monoblocs plugged into this rather than straight into the wall, as is preamp and CDP."

You don't need any time for it to "settle", "break in", "burn in", or whatever; the improvement is immediately perceptible.
Really good to hear these experiences. Every time I listen to Paul at P.S. Audio I think, "Why wouldn't you want to regnerate perfect power and how can any conditioner be better?" Then I read about Puritan and some others and just get so confused that I just bury the whole topic.

And I know the PSA regenerator has its fans. But, OP, can you tell me what was lacking in the regenerator? 
The PS regenerator was an older version and i bought it preowned so I would not add much weight to my comments below.

I found the sound became edgy and metallic.

The conclusion i would reach is that if you cannot afford a high power regenerator to support a high power and dynamic amp, then the Puritan 156 is a very affordable and effective alternative. 
@soma70 Thank you. Helpful addition. My amps are 60w tubes, so not "high powered" by a long stretch.