Okay, here's some constructive criticism, based on the assumption that, in order to sound remotely palatable, audiophile grade amps need AC mains to supply perfect platonic ideal archetypical sine waves, like god's flatulence. Of course, they don't, and neither do the designs engineers learn in their first year of school, but still, let's assume. So you've spent all that money on power cords, and line conditioners, and power supplies, and magic orange wall outlets, and you've paid your neighbors to not use their air conditioner just long enough so you can finally, for once, enjoy the overture to Reinze like they could when it was written 150 years ago. Every last drop of that perfect current has to travel across the impure little filament of the fuse before it can be DC rectified by your device. You do know that your amp doesn't even want your alternating sine wave, right? It's got a built-in plan to convert that swill to DC, first and foremost, right? But I digress.
What are you going to do? After all that, a fuse made of any less than 17.6% pure unobtanium will ruin all your plans, waste all that money, and you'll probably die alone.
Start to demand filtered power supplies with the fuse *before* the filter. That way, it shouldn't matter if you used braided silver, or ordinary nickel, or one of those turds someone, for some reason, seems to be advocating.
What are you going to do? After all that, a fuse made of any less than 17.6% pure unobtanium will ruin all your plans, waste all that money, and you'll probably die alone.
Start to demand filtered power supplies with the fuse *before* the filter. That way, it shouldn't matter if you used braided silver, or ordinary nickel, or one of those turds someone, for some reason, seems to be advocating.